Boost your results with Ast
Of course, we can't completely absolve you of your duty to pay taxes. But maybe a bit. And with our services, we ensure that your involvement with this annoying topic remains the minimum necessary.
Through our qualified tax advice, our clients can also plan for their company's future development, securing thus their long-term economic prospects and success. In turn, this success relies on making the right decisions, which we ensure though our services and advice.
Tax consultant Dominik S. Ast
Managing Director Dominik Ast has been working in the field of taxation for more than 20 years, and has been managing Ast Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH since 2005.
The success of his work as a tax consultant is based on the following principles:
Personal contact
You come first - and then your figures: Regular discussions between tax consultants and clients are indispensable for optimum support. Through personal contact, we provide comprehensive and forward-looking advice.
Qualified employees
Customised advice: The quality of our work is always maintained at the highest level. To this end, we employ exclusively highly qualified and committed employees, who continue to develop themselves on an ongoing basis.
Active communication
We keep your eyes open: the tax laws are constantly changing. To ensure that you do not miss any changes that are important to your company, we provide you with up-to-date and useful information on tax matters every month.